The best pram and car seat bundles on finance

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If you’re reading this, there’s probably a baby on the way – or already here. Congratulations! It also means you’re thinking about the most efficient way to get baby from A to B – without breaking the bank (or your storage space). 


The easiest solution to this dilemma is purchasing a car seat and pram bundle. Having interchangeable seats for your baby that lock safely into a single, flexible frame is a great way to get around safely and conveniently. 


Here are some reasons why buying one of these babies (pun intended) is a good idea. 


1. Compatibility


As mentioned previously, pram and car seat bundles are typically designed to be compatible with each other.


The car seat can securely and easily attach to the pram, making it convenient to move your baby from the car to the pram without disturbing their sleep or comfort (the importance of this should NOT be underestimated).


2. Cost savings


Bundles often offer cost savings compared to buying the pram and car seat separately.


Retailers typically offer discounts or package deals to encourage the purchase of both items together, which can be more budget-friendly (always a good thing when you’re forking out for all things baby).


3. Convenience


There’s nothing worse than needing to get out the door and not knowing where the car seat/pram/rain cover is.


Having a coordinated pram and car seat set can massively improve your daily routine. No more hunting around to find separate accessories – you’re always good to go.


4. Safety


Car seats included in bundles are typically selected for their safety features, as they’re often part of the same brand’s product line.


Knowing that your little one is in safe hands with a product designed to work seamlessly and meet safety standards is always a good thing.


5. Design and aesthetics


Safety first, of course – but let’s be honest: it needs to look good, too. Pram and car seat bundles often come in coordinated designs and colours.


Having a sleek, matching design which flows seamlessly across every part of the bundle give you a feel-good feeling (even on days when you’re bleary-eyed and wearing odd socks).


6. Warranty and guarantees


Some manufacturers offer extended warranties or guarantees when you purchase a pram and car seat bundle for added peace of mind.


You’ll be using this bundle for a good few years, so there’s nothing better than knowing that if wear and tear get the better of it, you’re covered for repairs.


7. Accessories


Many bundles include additional accessories like rain covers, sunshades, or adapters for other baby gear.


Having these included in the price means they’re also covered in the warranty. Plus, if you lose or break something, you’ll be able to easily source another one without any drama.


8. Resale value


Why think about selling when you haven’t even bought it yet? Good question. The fact is that your baby will eventually swap the pram for a trike, scooter, balance bike or some other terrifyingly fast item. So how can you free up space?


Coordinated bundles usually have higher resale value, as they’re attractive to other parents looking for a complete and matching set. You can even give them away for free on places like Facebook Marketplace to make someone’s dream come true.


Don’t forget to make sure the car seat is compatible with your vehicle, and the pram suits your lifestyle and daily activities (for example, offroad hikes or jogging).


If you’re thinking of investing in a pram and car seat bundle, why not check out our top picks for this season?


£699.95 *

Or from £58.33 per month, 0% credit with DivideBuy 

The essential lightweight, easy-to-manoeuvre travel system with 0+ car seat.


Giggle 3 in 1 travel system bundle is complete package, The pram offers a lie-flat spacious carrycot, with deep padded mattress. Swap it to reversible pushchair seat unit when they are ready to sit up – facing you first, then the world.


This bundle also includes the Tote i-Size 0+ Car Seat and car seat adapters. It’s ‘Tiny Boot Approved’, making it ideal for storage and adapting on the go (and the design is also really cute, to be fair).


£630.00 *

Or from £52.50 per month, 0% credit with DivideBuy.

Take a baby step toward a better world with this complete trio made with 100% recycled fabrics.


This 4 in 1 stroller offers carry cot, infant carrier and world and parent facing seat options all in one. It’s quick and intuitive to fold and setup, whether the seat is rearward or forward facing.


This fabulous bundle also has a spacious storage basket with front and back access, so you can easily take along everything you need (which is always more than you think). Better yet, the frame includes PunctureProof™ foam-filled rubber tyres – so it won’t leave you stranded with a flat.


£749.95 *

Or from £62.50 p/m, 0% credit with DivideBuy.

The Nipper Single, a 3 wheel single pushchair & buggy, is ideal for everyday use with its bespoke carrycot and offers a comfortable ride from newborn to toddler (rain cover and removable basket included).


This refreshed and upgraded best selling buggy is suitable from newborn to toddler, and comes with a rain cover and removable basket included.


It’s light, easy to fold and clean and is made from technical water resistant fabrics. The wheels are built for jogging (perfect for when you need some exercise with baby in tow) and are 12” air filled tyres with suspension for bumpy terrain.



Or from £116.50 per month, 0% credit with DivideBuy.

The ultimate pushchair for first time parents, this luxury single to double pushchair is beautifully engineered and designed to fit perfectly around you and your baby.


This bundle might be on the pricier side, but there’s serious bang for your buck to be had. It’s suitable from birth due to the spacious carrycot – which can also be used for permanent overnight sleeping. Its soft, modern premium knitted jersey fabrics are tailored to perfection – guaranteeing comfort for baby (and style for parents).

DivideBuy’s retail finance options mean you can spread the cost of a purchase at checkout for longer. For more baby bundle options, visit our Shopping Directory now.  


*All prices accurate as of 02/11/2023 


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