Price per month displays the lowest monthly amount available to your customer, letting them know that interest free credit is available.
Clicking on the ‘i’ icon reveals further instalment options.
On hover over the DivideBuy button, further available instalments are displayed.
If the customer has not already clicked the DivideBuy button, the option is still available at checkout.
A pop-up will appear to give the customer a choice of either checking out as a guest or as a returning customer of the store.
Here they must enter their postcode and delivery options if required.
The customer is directed to the DivideBuy checkout where they can change their choice of monthly instalment if they wish. They enter their email address, shipping/billing address, date of birth, annual income and mobile number (for verification).
Returning customers will receive a verification code via text on their registered mobile and their personal details will be pre-populated.
An instant credit decision is given.
A summary of payments is shown, plus our Terms and Conditions and Credit Sale Agreement. The customer clicks ‘Agree and Pay’.
New customers add their card details and returning customers can use saved cards.
The customer clicks ‘Complete Purchase’ and the order is completed. They are then returned to the retailer’s website.